Preparation for Confession - 3rd and 4th Commandments
Examination of conscience with reflections on the Commandments
The Third Commandment: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain.
The Third Commandment: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain.
- Have I profaned the name of God in any way?
- Have I been thoughtless or irreverent with the name of God?
- Have I used the name of God in a curse?
- Have I treated something holy as a joke, or joked about holy things?
- Have I grumbled toward God or even renounced Him at any time?
- Have I shown due respect to the clergy and the faithful or hindered them in their work?
- Have I shown respect for all other people?
- Have I prayed absent-mindedly or inattentively?
- Have I cursed anyone or anything?
- Have I sworn a false oath?
- Have I broken an oath or a promise?
- Have I entered into any sinful or unlawful contract or made such a promise?
- Have I given in to despondency?
- Have I failed to attend Divine Services on the Lord’s Day or on a Great Feast Day without just cause?
- Have I kept others from attending Divine Services?
- Have I done unnecessary work on Sundays or on Great Feast Days?
- Have I violated the sanctity of the Lord’s Day or Great Feasts by unwholesome or frivolous activities?
- Have I distracted others from keeping these days in a godly way?
- Did I pray at home if I was unable to attend Divine Services on the Lord’s Day or a Great Feast Day?
- Did I make every effort to worship “in spirit and in truth” while I was at Divine Service?
- Did I allow myself to be distracted by worldly concerns at a Divine Service? To judge others? To think of unwholesome or frivolous things?
- Did I make the effort to come to Divine Services on time?
- Have I diligently kept the fasts of the Church?
- Have I caused anyone else to violate the fasts or tempted anyone to do so?
- Have I fasted properly in my heart, realizing a hunger for God and life in Him, rather than legalistically, just to fulfill the letter?